I like the single-layered player ideology. It's a good term, I might steal it sometimes. Good stuff.

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Thanks, comrade! Still thinking there's a better phrase or term somewhere, but this is one of those times where those old MMA writing chops come in handy. The rock paper scissor days of "wrestler vs striker vs grappler" have long been over, and I feel like hockey has undergone the same evolution with its players.

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You know I’m all for position-less hockey some day. Waiting for the soccer-like evolution of formations

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Always love your work man. Do you see faksa getting traded or do they keep him for his “playoff ability”

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Always appreciate the readership, Justin. As much as I WANT Faksa to be traded, I have a hard time seeing it happen. They seem like an organization that's okay with that mushy middle. Sure, Faksa's overpaid, but as long as he has a role, they're comfortable with it. And to be fair, he was a beast defensively this year, and solid in the playoffs. I go back to first principles: "what is the primarily role for a forward?" so in that context, I don't like Faksa all that much, but at least I see the logic. Unlike say, keeping Suter.

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Great stuff as always!

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Thanks! (Ovechkin?)

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My number was 8 when I played and it’s the obnoxious username I made when joining DBD like 13 years ago so I’ve just stuck with it in case anyone remembers me from there. Probably time to change it though 😂

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