Why subscribe?

Because what I write at D Magazine is not enough for your junkie puck needs.

But also because hockey needs a better class of analyst. Whether or not I’m that person is up to you.

Stay up-to-date

If you want. Read at your own pace. Don’t fall into the trap of feeling like you’re anxiously behind “the conversation.” This isn’t a place to buffer the algorithm, or break perfunctory news. This is a place to ponder, reflect, and occasionally — talk shit.

My schedule is generally three pieces a week: two free, one paid. You can see what paid posts are usually like here. Sometimes I’ll have more than three, but never less.

Join the crew

Why is the Substack page so aggressive? Listen. Join the crews you feel comfortable participating in. You don’t have to fit in to feel like you belong. It’s the latter I’m looking to create here, not the former.

Subscribe to Stars Stack

Hockey thoughts, reactions, and outbursts. Usually about the Dallas Stars.


Hockey criticism. No more. No less. You can find most of my work at D Magazine https://www.dmagazine.com/writers/david-castillo/