May 24Liked by David Castillo

As much praise as everyone gave Otter for the spectacular saves it was the 1 soft goal, the stop that he should have made that cost the Stars the game. It should have never gone to even 1 overtime. If Ottinger stops the goal that went thru his yawning 5 hole we win 2-1. Those soft goals will cost the Stars the “Cup”.

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Sean had a really good breakdown of it and how Lindell's skate clashing with Oettinger forced him play the puck a specific way. Given his body of work the entire game, he's one of a small handful of players who gave Dallas a chance in this game.

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May 24Liked by David Castillo

And Matt Duchene has not returned since taking that high stick of wait no there he is... Gotta love the national broadcast

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May 24Liked by David Castillo

While I’m not overly upset at a game 1 loss in this situation, I have to say Benn takes the lions share in Hyman’s goal….the 2 on 1 is played well and broken up. Benn, instead of ensuring the puck stays in possession and gets out by getting to it, he peels off leaving the defenseman to scramble with Hyman for a 50/50. It wasn’t the only time where things looked disjointed and miscommunication left two Stars skating away from a puck in open ice. The dump and chase gets old when we are not able to be effective on the forecheck and win possession back…seems like we just repeatedly concede possession to a team known to possess the puck for extended periods of time. Additionally, I’d also say that we could benefit from not insisting on going up the boards when their forecheck and D are hard pinching the boards…it seems to be just repetitive turnovers. Now I will say that Edmonton executed what they needed to, but we sure didn’t adjust to mitigate that (or exploit it). Found us making the mistakes we expected Edmonton to make.

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May 24Liked by David Castillo

Not overly concerned… Its a long series… I thought they played the way PDB probably wanted them to… very conservatively, with strong attention to back checking, with defending the team priority. I think the Robo Wyatt Tank line will be around for years, start it now! Benn Seguin Daddy looked solid. 4th line played strong… March was physical, too bad number of hits means nothing regarding the final score… (taught my son that in PeeWees, “we checked them more”, “but they scored more”). Pavs well… Gotta say, Having your slowest skater bring the puck up ice on the PP has to be an NHL first??? Anybody else ever try it? Because it worked so well… ok I’m a smartass.

Pavs on the ice is good for one thing, tips in front of the net… he’s not the same 4 goals vs Seattle guy. Thus is serious time, no passenger time, earned ice time -time. Pavs is a passenger now. Father Time is undefeated.

Give Duchene Bourque to play with… please!!!

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May 24Liked by David Castillo

Demoting Pavelski from the entire PP and placing him on the 4th line is the most important decision PDB needs to make.

No time for nostalgia here. It's the Conference Final and the sample size (14 PO games) is large enough to support that decision.

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May 24Liked by David Castillo

You're the best fucking source of stars news available between this Substack and the podcast. Making it a little more raw and real would only make it better! Please write things like they are spoken in the room so we get a better feel of what it's actually like beyond the made for tv production. There's always Heika's filtered and watered down shit to read for those who get their feelings hurt by certain arrangements of letters.

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Haha. I was being a little facetious. I think there's a middle ground between being professional, and being uncompromising, and one thing I'll never do is hold back on criticism. I try to write what I myself would want to read. Nonetheless, as the platform grows, I do want to respect my audience.

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May 24Liked by David Castillo

David , the Stars were like 10% on the PP face offs. They have to dominate on the dot during their PP chances

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May 24Liked by David Castillo

We looked….off last night. They had a hard time with making passes our energy wasn’t as up tempo as we’ve seen it on the forecheck or in the ozone in general. And the fact that we still took them to double OT is a good sign imo. I think their timing was off from the extended break. EDM did a fantastic job of clogging the slot and having sticks in lanes. And skinner looked excellent. So credit where it’s due. But that wasn’t nearly close to the stars best. I still think we win this in 6.

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You have to wonder though, how long it'll take them to get their best without Hintz and opposite McDavid. This really feels like a series where Edmonton is hitting their stride while Dallas is dealing with a few more obstacles (Hintz, power play, Pavelski, etc) than usual.

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May 24Liked by David Castillo

Please don’t cuss more. It lowers your standard of quality reporting. If your readers need it thst bsd? You don’t need them.

As for Benn and Sequin returning? That’s great. What happened to the rest of the team?

I felt like that four minutes power play was our chance. If we could not score there ? We were not going to score again.

Lost too many face offs!!

BTW that power play had mcdavid in the box

Who made the game winner??

Hopefully the Stsrs play with a little more sense of urgency on offense on Saturday

More passing less individual play…

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Heh. Duly noted. And thanks for the feedback Tom. One of my goals this summer is figuring out the vision for this place. I'm neither a reporter, nor an insider, so...what does that make me? A source for Stars fan? A critical voice? A beef stew of Stars stories? Just some dude who happens to cover the Stars and writes whatever he wants? I'm still not sure. But I'll figure it out.

Also, the Stars have never been an elite passing team. Without Hintz (who grades out as a quiet but effective playmaker) that pattern is amplified. I don't know that there's a solution except to challenge Skinner with more traffic at the net, and try to fetch rebounds.

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Robin Williams as Professor Keating in the film Dead Poets Society: “So avoid using the word ‘very’ because it’s lazy. A man is not very tired, he is exhausted. Don’t use very sad, use morose. Language was invented for one reason, boys – to woo women – and, in that endeavor, laziness will not do. It also won’t do in your essays.”

These are my thoughts on cursing as well. Is it for impact, use it as part of a phrase, use it in a rhyme or alliteration, but don’t use it in place of a thesaurus.

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We have an incredible passer watching from above. His name is Bourque and he is the actual AHL MVP.

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May 24Liked by David Castillo

This one doesn’t feel like a “meh, Stars lost game 1, whatever” situation to me. The Stars looked like they really missed Hintz in some areas and it seems like the Oilers have found something defensively. 0-5 and not cashing in on that double minor in OT is an absolute killer

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Well I have figured it out duh. The reason all the announcers and media are against the Stars is that they want the Cup back in Canada. It’s been over 30 years since a Canadian team won the championship of their national sport. Screw them it’s not gonna happen this year either.

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