
Alright, so here's my loose theory re: Lindell vs. Fancy Stats. Lindell's STS (shift to shift) defense gets boosted by a little double dipping. As in, he tends to see more shots precisely because his board rims and neutral zone lobs end in turnovers, and maybe these re-entries are more likely to be less dangerous hence the elite impact on expected goals against. Meanwhile, the little bit of offense he has tends to be high danger, as he's quite selective, and generally quite good (in keeping with his original player profile).

So basically, he profiles like a sniper despite simply being selective -- which these models love -- and he's given credit for his defensive white noise -- which these models can't account for.

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Jul 23Liked by David Castillo

Lindell's contract sucks, has always sucked, will always suck. If he signs a Ryan Suter sized deal, he can stay, otherwise he's not worth it. Just like you can't mention Duchene without talking about the sizzling deal he signed, you shouldn't mention Lindell without that lead balloon

Esa is low event hockey (not unlike the FCC line we couldn't wait to see off). It isn't so much that it is bad, but it is just kind of filler. He does have an uncanny ability to score points off of shots that coming from anyone else would be labeled harmless. Say he signed for the same term but at $4M, I'm not sure I'd have any emotions about the guy. On the defensive side of the puck after your top pair no news is good news, but with that contract, he doesn't get a pass (pun unintended but apt).

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Ok, there would be emotion about the lack of clean exits. I lied, you caught me.

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Jul 23Liked by David Castillo

I generally like Lindell but can’t detect a single lie here. He can be a part of success reasonably often, but he never seems to be a REASON for success. He’s a likable player/person (who, fun fact, I’m told I look like) that rarely makes those atomic bomb mistakes so on TV it’s kind of easy to just assume he’s doing his job

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Jul 23Liked by David Castillo

I love Lindell but you got your mind trick on me and made me drop him a grade. I really don't have expectations for me other than when he's on the ice the other team doesn't score too good. When he rips a wrister that finds twine 5 times a year I'm ecstatic and am ready to throw him first star of the game. I hope the parties can settle on amicable terms around 4.5m AAV but I think we all know he can get 6-6.5 elsewhere from a desperate team. He really is an enigma that can be stellar 2nd D with the right partner or a mediocre 4th D without.

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Yes! At last, a convert! Being only slightly facetious, but still. Lindell's game wouldn't bother me so much if he didn't absolutely kick Dallas' transition game in the nuts. Every. Single. Time. I've never seen a player so actively important to a team's blueline, yet so actively harmful to how they sequence the puck up ice. I remember Sean writing about him years ago, and how coaches wanted to see him make more clean outlet passes. And I remember thinking "why don't more people talk about this? Every other player is held under a microscope. Why not Lindell?" Expectations should be high for all players who contribute, and certainly for someone who played below Heiskanen, Harley, and Tanev -- and who made more than half that list, yet was arguably at the bottom in terms of pound for pound importance.

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Jul 23Liked by David Castillo

The Stars organization really likes Lindell as has been hinted at many times . He is very solid and has been a big part of 3 teams that either got to the Stanley Cup finals or WCF . He plays a lot of play off minutes . I believe they will offer him a new deal at the end of his contract . What that is we will have to see but presume he wants to stay and the Finns are normally reasonable

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Random note that's not terribly relevant but still: forgot to put the explainer card in the RAPM table. It's there now! (Whatever sicko needed it, I appreciate you so much you have no idea.)

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