Jun 29Liked by David Castillo

After reading your piece, I got the same "Déjà Vu" feeling that I got when the Stars picked Dellandrea instead of Miller.

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Yep. For all the "Dallas is a great drafting team!" talk, they're not perfect (Dellandrea over Miller, Kyrou over Hutson) and Emery's gonna be ready sooner than people think.

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Jun 29Liked by David Castillo

I’d like to see him develop some “meanness” to his game. Watching his highlights actually reminded me of a younger (not mean) Jamie benn. His shot, she way he moves around defenders. I like the pick. But definitely would’ve preferred emery or Elick

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Yea. I'm still a little (just kidding: a lot) sour they didn't take a right shot D (I think Danford will be just as good as the others) but he's a unique profile, and has a projectable game. He's gonna be far and away their best forward prospect. at Traverse City.

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Hopefully someone in the media will ask Nill why they didn’t draft a RHD

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So he’s a power forward who plays in the perimeter, right. I get that when Dirk hit the nba no one expected him to shoot 3s. But in the nhl goals an inch from the net count the same as 200’ away.

Still plenty of size on the current top line, the guys just don’t lean on people with it though. Not necessarily a bad move but the one time we were ready to draft for need and they went BPA (in their minds).

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I wonder if Hemming has a chance at getting the hot start from the front office?

Not likely given Nill's development history, but the last time we drafted a player like Hemming, Nichuskin. We seem too have developed a better in house methods of developing and addressing the needs of young talent since then.

Bourque seems like the perfect foil to the short comings of Hemmings playing style that could be the beginning of a great pair, or recreate the Val rookie year scenario by putting him with Robo-Hintz.

It all hinges on his shot being legit and ready out of camp, but Dallas is in a position to live with the lumps of learning if it's there.

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What aboutMinnetian and Fegaras ?

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